How Spending $1.90 Per Day Will Improve Your Profits

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I want to show you how spending $10 per week will improve your profits and make your business stand out from the rest.  It doesn’t matter what type of business you have. Everyone can benefit from this and it may surprise you. Did you know that dehydration is the number one cause of daytime fatigue,…

How Much Water Should I Drink?

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This is a question we often ask ourselves, “How much water should I drink?”  There are many factors to take into consideration when working out how much water you need to drink daily. Fluid intake needs can vary quite dramatically from one individual to another. There are many factors to be taken into account including…

Great Flavoured Water Ideas

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Water is necessary for optimum health but many people don’t actually like the taste of water alone so here are a few great flavoured water ideas. When you add natural flavours to your water you are getting the health benefits of those additional items as well as the goodness of the water. Many of the…

Your Water Footprint

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What is your Water Footprint? Now is the time for us all to take responsibility for how much of our resources we are each responsible for using. Many of us living in first world countries take our water supply for granted but did you know that numerous studies have shown that if we do not…

10 Interesting Facts About Water

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There are many interesting facts about water, when you start looking at water as more than just a drink it is quite a fascinating thing to study. The human body is made up of 55% – 75% water. Although it is recommended for you to consume 8 cups of water each day, it is not…

10 Signs you are dehydrated

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The human body is a pretty amazing machine with it’s own in built navigation system. If you learn to read the signs you can help to keep it in peak performance. The body is made up of approximately 70-percent water therefore,  fluids are vital for our body to function. Fluids are responsible for protecting our joints,…